Day 05 - A photo of yourself and 20 interesting facts about yourself

1. Has Lymes Disease
2. Drinks coffee black
3. Worked at a McDonalds, Stop & Shop, Video Craze, two golf courses, Pita Pit, a printing shop, Sephora and public school system (possibly more places that can't be remembered)
4. Left-Handed
5. Ate first hamburger at the age of 18
6. Met Bill Bellicheck (spelling), Conan O'Brien (picture to prove it) and Jack Welch
7. Watched every episode of MacGyver and X-Files
8. Can beat Super Mario Brothers 3 without cheating
9. Once bench pressed 195lbs twice
10. Wore Saucony sneakers since age of 16
11. Got hit by a moving cop car
12. Broke nose in 2nd grade
13. Loves pizza
14. Brews beer
15. Never stole anything
16. Cats hate me
17. Took the last polaroid ever
18. Really good at fooseball
19. Never been in a fight
20. Carry a notebook
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