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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 06- Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

So, I decided to take the weekend off and it turned into a long weekend. My only excuse was I forgot on Monday and was lazy on Tuesday. Luckily, I don't write anything important on this that people were hanging onto my every last word for. If I was the weatherman, you guys would probably be ripshit by now.

Day 06 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

I have to address this because last year everyone got their shit in a bunch about this. Anyone remember the fake astrological sign that came out of nowhere? It was called Ophiuchus. Not sure if it was a real or fake but it through everyone's sign off by a few days and everyone was in a panic running to their bomb shelters waiting for the apocalypse. Nobody was sure how to behave anymore because a new sign was thrown in the mix telling them who to be. Does anyone really think that zodiac signs really indicate how a person behaves?

It's a whole bunch of nonsense.

I'm a Sagittarius, according to morons that believe in this hocus pocus. I Wiki'd Sagittarius to get some more wisdom on the subject and have come to reiterate my previous thoughts on the subject, which is this is dumb and wasting my time, but let's plow ahead, shall we? Wiki says, "The sign is governed by Jupiter, a planet which is symbolically associated with temperate qualities which loosen, relax and expand." I wish they would EXPAND on that. A planet of gas that is associated with a few vague terms controls the zodiac sign called Sagittarius. Wow, that was insightful. Do go on. "Sagittarians are reputed to be drawn toward travel (I don't travel. I'm afraid of different cultures) and philosophy (don't really enjoy too much 'by the book' Philosophy. I think it's a battle of the the largest vocabulary, really.), and to enjoy social contacts (I hate people), meeting new people (Especially new people) and exploring other cultures (Again, I'm afraid of different cultures). They are said to be highly intelligent (Correct), broad-visioned (Okay), tolerant in their views (mm hmm), mainly concerned with the "big picture" but with little patience for the details (Now, that's more like it)." How could this be soo wrong, yet, so right at the same time? Could it be that everyone varies just a little from their sign? Am I just a bit off? (Well, probably. I am sitting here writing this aren't I?) Or could it be that they say such vague shit that it applies to everyone? I mean, they were only right when they were telling me what I wanted to hear about myself. Doesn't everyone want to hear that they are intelligent, broad-visioned, tolerant in views, and getting the big picture? Yes, it made me feel like a champion. That's what they'll be saying at my retirement, and God forbid I say funeral. But the first stuff are things that I would wish about myself.

So to answer the question, my zodiac sign fits me when it says things I want to agree with. Ugh. I bet I sound like an angry teenager.

Anyway, zodiac signs are for killers.
That should be on a t-shirt.
J. Dalton

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